Monday, April 5, 2021

Happy HIP Week!

Submitted by Phillip Duong, MS, RHIA, CCA 
FHIMA Director 

Health Information Professionals (HIP) week is April 18-24, 2021. It is a week where all Health Information Professionals celebrate the impact they have on healthcare as well as patient care globally. Last year COVID-19 affected us all, especially in the healthcare community. Health data and our work as Health Information Professionals were more important than ever before. Let us come together to celebrate all our hard work and the value we bring to healthcare. Remember, Health Information is Human Information! 

What is Health Information Management (HIM)? 

As Health Information Professionals, we are responsible for ensuring data integrity, privacy, and security of patient health information. Data collected from the patient health records are used to improve patient safety and quality of care provided to our patients. Not only do we specialize in patient health information, but we are subject matter experts in other areas such as:
  • Coding 
  • Clinical Documentation Improvement 
  • Privacy & Security 
  • Data Analysis 
  • Information Governance 
  • Compliance 
  • Risk Management 
  • Information Technology 
  • Revenue Cycle Management 
  • Registry 
  • Quality Improvement 
  • And many more! The sky is the limit! 
View the AHIMA Career Map for the endless career opportunities out there for Health Information Professionals.  

Why it is important to raise HIM Awareness? 

With the immense number of skill-sets that Health Information Professionals possess; we are truly an asset to the healthcare profession. Raising HIM Awareness will educate the community on the importance that HIM brings to healthcare and will help us to have a stronger share hold in the healthcare industry. 

How could members raise HIM Awareness? 
  • Health Information Professionals week is coming up on April 18-24, 2021. You could help celebrate HIP week by sharing stories and posting pictures of your HIM experiences on social media. Be sure to tag Florida Health Information Management Association (FHIMA)!
  • AHIMA Call to Action—Take the Naming Policy Pledge: Patient misidentification continues to jeopardize patient safety, limit and delay data sharing and interoperability, and adversely affect data quality. Take the Naming Policy Pledge to advocate and educate members and other key stakeholders on the importance of naming policies in healthcare organizations. Click here to take the pledge.
  • Visit the official HIP week site: Hear stories from others or even share your own personal story on how we impact healthcare.
  • Volunteering: Please reach out to your local HIMA region and lend out a helping hand to keep our profession strong! Here is a list of eight local HIM Associations in Florida that you could be involved in.